Meet Brad Bartlett
Brad Bartlett is a seasoned attorney, mediator, and professor with a distinguished career spanning two decades. Based in Colorado, he has dedicated his practice to representing and assisting a diverse clientele, including private and publicly traded corporations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), American Indian nations, and medical professionals.
In addition to his private practice, Brad serves as general counsel for a prominent Georgia-based healthcare company. In this role, he leverages his expertise to navigate the complex regulatory landscape surrounding elder care and emerging therapeutic industries, particularly those focused on natural medicines.
Brad has litigated a wide array of cases, from contract disputes to constitutional rights, and has played a pivotal role in enforcing some of the nation’s foundational environmental laws. His commitment to social justice and environmental stewardship is evident in his advocacy and pro bono work.
As an accomplished mediator, Brad helps clients navigate differences and find common ground, fostering constructive dialogue and resolution.
A passionate defender of American Indian nations, Brad actively works to uphold tribal sovereignty and advocate for their rights and interests. As an enrolled member of the Sault Ste. Marie Band of Chippewa Indians of Michigan, his identity and heritage deeply inform his dedication to supporting tribal communities and peacemaking.
Brad is licensed to practice law in Colorado and Georgia and holds admissions in multiple U.S. Courts of Appeals and District Courts.